Group Student PolicyPlease enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. - Step 1 of 4Personal InformationYour Name *FirstLastStudent's Name *FirstLastEmail *Phone Number *Preferred Method to Receive Messages & Assignments: *Phone CallText MessageEmailContinue to Next Section...2021-2022 Group Student PolicyBringing you today’s investment in a lifetime of musical enjoyment. Thank you for choosing the Reedley School of Music for your family’s music instruction. We feel that a music education is an investment in your child’s future. We have set up the following policies to assure consistency, fairness and continuity of study. We ask that you read them carefully and sign and return the back page. Thank you. Registration FeeAn annual registration fee of $30.00 is required of all students. It is payable at the beginning of the school year or time of registration and is non-refundable.TuitionTuition for the school year is based on an annual fee. The 2021-22 school year tuition is conveniently divided into 10 equal monthly payments and is due on the first lesson of the month. Tuition for classes is $75.00 per month. Tuition for semi-private and groups of 3 is $85.00 per month. Tuition for private lessons is $95.00 per month.Tuition is the same each month regardless of the number of weeks or lessons in the month. No credit is given for absences. Books, materials and recital fees are charged separately. No credit is given for absences. There will be two group makeup lessons scheduled during the year for those who need a make up lesson for illness.Late FeeTuition is delinquent if not paid by the fifteenth (15th) of that month. A $20.00 late fee will automatically be charged to your account on the sixteenth (16th). You can make your payment with check or cash at the music school or online at our website. We accept credit cards. Lessons may be suspended for non-payment of tuition. Please contact the office is you’d like to arrange an alternate payment date. Returned checks will incur a $25.00 service fee. Other FeesThere is an $80.00 materials fee for new group students. This covers the cost of class materials including; book, bag, and class supplies. If you already own some of these materials from a sibling’s class, please let us know, it is possible to purchase only those materials that you need. It will be necessary to purchase a new book when the class finishes the current one. There will be a $30.00 per family, recital fee due with the March tuition.Section 1 Agreement Box *I understand and agree to the policies above.PreviousContinue to Next Section...Class Attendance & AbsencesConsistent weekly attendance is very important to your child’s musical success. The tuition you pay reserves a place for you in a weekly lesson, therefore, there is no reduction for absences. If you know that you are going to be absent, please call the Music School and leave a message that you will not be coming, your teacher will then call you or post the assignments for that week. You may visit another class of the same level if there is one available. If an emergency necessitates a prolonged absence, please contact your teacher for help in making arrangements for your child to make up his/her work. Remember, tuition is a monthly fee; there is no reduction for absences. ONLY ENROLLED STUDENTS AND THEIR PARENTS MAY ATTEND CLASS, NO SIBLINGS OR FRIENDS, PLEASE.Parental Attendance & Home PracticeA parent, or other adult, is asked to attend the Harmony Road and Young Musician classes with their child. You and your child are learning together. The parent becomes the home teacher and you will be sharing practice time and home assignments. This will greatly enhance your child’s musical experience and make learning more enjoyable. Parents should be prepared to set aside time for home practice each day. Occasionally a parent may need to miss a class because of scheduling problems or conflicts. If this happens, please try to arrange to have your child attend class anyway. Other parents are usually happy to fill in as learning partners for the day, and you can fill in for someone else when they need to miss. Parents are not required to attend the Keyboard Prep classes; however, parent meetings may be scheduled approximately every six weeks so that parents may keep abreast of our progress and activities. Parents are always welcome to sit in on their child’s lesson. Please do not send your child to the music school if they are ill.RecitalsAn exciting part of your child’s musical experience will be the opportunity to participate in recitals. Times for our Christmas and June recitals are already scheduled. Please see the 2021-2022 calendar, on this sheet, so you can reserve these dates now. Family, relatives and friends are invited to attend these events and share in our musical achievements. StudentsPlease remember to watch your hands before your lessons. No food, drinks or friends. We will provide bleach wipes for keyboards before each lesson and hand sanitizer as needed. Check the face mask sign posted each week in the classroom and hallway, and please comply with those instructions. Be sure to bring all music and materials to each lesson, including the first one, if you are a returning student.Regrouping ClassesStudents are matched according to age, skill development and experience. Occasionally it becomes necessary to regroup. Since the foundation of our program is group instruction, a class needs to be large enough to allow for a number of important musical activities. These group activities are impossible to accomplish in a private lesson, a group that is too small, or one where abilities are too diverse. The best interests of the students will be the basis for any schedule changes and we will try to avoid them when possible. We appreciate the dedication of students and parents who make adjustments in their busy schedules if changes are necessary. WithdrawalsEach customer agrees to provide the Music School with a four (4) week written notice when withdrawing their student from a class. Failure to attend your class does not constitute a withdrawal notice. Remember, your child’s presence affects the entire group. It may be impossible to add students to an existing class at mid-year, and your withdrawal can create a class that is too small or otherwise unbalanced. Should it be absolutely necessary for you to leave, we ask that you discuss this with your child’s teacher outside the classroom. Please consider your child’s musical education a long-term commitment. Unofficial withdrawal and no shows will be held responsible for any tuition charges in the interim.Some Advice on Studying MusicYour child’s interest in music classes may not always maintain a steady level. Some weeks there may be an abundance of practice and other weeks the practice times may be infrequent. These fluctuations of interest are perfectly normal. Consistent attendance will aid in musical success, so do not skip class just because you haven’t practiced enough. Students will learn something in the group each week. If you are uncomfortable with any aspect of the class, please arrange to talk to your child’s teacher. This may well be the first serious commitment your child has ever made, and as you know; your child will be only as committed as you are. By working together, we believe we can make music one of the most enjoyable experiences your child will ever undertake. 2021-2022 CalendarLabor Day Holiday – September 6, 2021 Thanksgiving Vacation – November 22 through November 26, 2021 Christmas Recitals – To Be Announced Winter Vacation – December 20, 2021 through January 4, 2022 President’s Day – February 14, 2022 Spring Vacation – April 11, 2022 through April 15, 2022 Memorial Day Holiday – May 30, 2022 Spring Recital – Sunday, June 12, 2022 (Group Students) | Sunday, June 19, 2022 (Private Students) Six-Week Summer Enrichment Session Begins – June 15, 2022Section 2 Agreement Box *I understand and agree to the policies above.Music is one of the few avenues of training that your student will carry with them for a lifetime.Please call the Music School office if you have any questions. 559-638-6931.PreviousContinue to Next Section...ParentsI have read the music school policy and agree to the terms. I understand that tuition is due on the first lesson of each month for that month. I understand that a $20 late fee will be added to unpaid balances on the 16th of the month. Should it be necessary for my child to discontinue lessons I agree to provide the Music School with four weeks written notice. I realize that as this child's parent, my involvement in his/her musical education is vital. I agree to oversee the required practice time and lend my assistance as needed. We have read the above policy of the Reedley School of Music and agree to the terms and conditions. I realize that as this child's parent, my involvement in his/her musical education is vital. I agree to oversee the required practice time and lend my assistance as needed. We have read the above policy of the Reedley School of Music and agree to the terms and conditions.Please type student's full name to serve as a digital signature:Please type your full name to serve as a digital signature:Photo ReleaseThe Reedley School of Music is hereby granted permission to take photographs of the students in class and at performances to use in brochures, on posters, in advertisements, on the Reedley School of Music website and other promotional uses. No names will be used.Photo Release *Yes, I agree.No, we do not wish to participate.Please type your full name to serve as a digital signature:Submit